About Me

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I'm a a flame haired vintage loving cat lady. I ride a motorbike and love Roller Derby. I like in a big house in the country and love summer parties in my garden :)

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Spring has sprung!

OK, so I know I'm maybe getting ahead of myself a bit but I need to remain sane!  The spate of bad weather is enough to get the cheeriest of individuals a bit down in the dumps and sunshine is just the cure we all need!  I have seen the first few lambs bouncing around fields, snowdrops and daffodils are cropping up all over the shop and the mornings are getting lighter and lighter -  a certain kitty makes us both aware of this each morning as he yowls us awake to let him out to explore.

We've been trying to get away at weekends - either walking or canoeing which has been lovely to be able to do.  When we went canoeing last month though, part of the loch was still completely frozen, which was pretty cool to see up close.  We've also been training on and off to walk the West Highland Way later this year and was pleased to find out it wasn't as hard walking with weight on my back than I thought.

On the jewellery front, I have been busy making but not so busy selling, as most of my items are tied up in an exhibition at a local arts centre.  However, I have just received a big order and have another on the way so I will be able to offer more of a selection of fine treasures and not just an item here and there. 

I am also in the final few weeks of finishing a course in Jewellery Design at Edinburgh College of Art.  the teacher is amazing at explaining different techniques and I surely have learnt a thing or two, especially about ring design which is something I've been wanting to get to grips with for an age!  I'll be sure to upload photos of all my finished pieces after the course is over.  There is a little exhibition of finished work at the end of the course and we have all be asked to submit a few pieces for this, which is very exciting!

I hope you all are still enjoying the New Year and here's hoping my next update is a little quicker in coming.

Danger x 

Canoing in Feb

Wood carving in Feb

Little Donkey in Jan