About Me

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I'm a a flame haired vintage loving cat lady. I ride a motorbike and love Roller Derby. I like in a big house in the country and love summer parties in my garden :)

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Nautical but Nice...

A 'new' range of jewellery and accessories I am trying on for size.  I have always loved the relationship between the seaside and pin-up culture and hope to be able to flaunt more delicious designs in the weeks to come.  Think pirate treasures, old rusty anchors and ancient sea creatures fused together and placed on a lovely piece of jewellery that you can wear with anything at all!


Dee x


Thursday 11 November 2010

No Chocolate November. Stressed...?

For the last 2 years I have had a self imposed Chocolate ban in the month and a bit before Christmas, otherwise I have the tendancy to go crazy and buy 'presents' for people and consume them all and have to buy more!  Also, here in the office, people tend to bring in sweetie's by the bucket load in the run up to the big day and it's extremely easy to just eat whatever is in front of you, in turn piling on the pounds.  I've always struggled with my weight so I think this is one of my better ideas.

I also used to smoke, which I know is a dirty silly habit, but I have stopped for a wee while now and hopefully will never be tempted to start again. 

But in times of stress I've always turned to these things to help me through it and calm me, however, they are things no longer available to me so I have to de-stress some other ways.  I wonder if any of you readers out there in the world wide web would have any advice about this?  It's not like I don't know how to de-stress but I'm genuinely interested to know how others do it :)

I find hot baths helpful, riding my motorbike, playing roller derby, chilling with DVD's and wine or doing something crafty to wind down.  Another great one is stroking Jagger, my kitty.  As soon as he starts purring it calms me right down!

Dee x

Friday 5 November 2010

Tattoo Flash!

I have been busy making clay necklaces for the Roller Girls.  I'm quite happy with them but a tad nervous that they look very similar to a friends design.  Because of this I am going to attempt to steer away from 'Hearts' and try out a few new designs.  I actually really enjoy making them!  It was very frustrating at first trying to get the shrink plastic to shrink flat but watching it like a hawk then slamming a meaty (oven mit clad) paw over it seems to do the trick.  See what you think of them (below)

Besides this the fact I have been looking at tattoo flash has basically re-ignited the need for more ink.  Last night I had a brain wave and will now be attempting to design a second ray gun to go with the first.  I want it more victorian and gothic than the western steam gun I currently have.  Excited?  Yes, very :)

Off to Derby now and then a very busy day of crafting tomorrow before going to see 'Due Date' with my man and best bud.

Have a lovely weekend :)

Dee x

Tuesday 2 November 2010

A whole new month...

Knowing I have at least 3 craft fayres to attend in December is going to keep me busy the whole of November and I'm already stressing about how much I need to do in such little time.  I really hope I have enough stock, variation and artistic ability to be able to pull it off.  Everything seems to be moving at lightspeed, so much so, that I think I may need to take a couple of 'holiday' days from work to cope with it all in a sensible manner (i.e not making things worse on myself by cramming in too much into evenings and weekends).

Saying that, I am still incredibly excited by it all and seem to work better when I'm a little stressed.  Silver lining and all that.

I have ordered a lot of weird and wonderful objects for the run up to Christmas.  Peacock feathers, mini bird cages, plastic eyeballs, tiny bottles, lots and lots of chain, fimo clay, lace and various trinkets and metals to name but a few.  It is surely going to be an interestingly, tiring and eventful month - wish me luck!

Another bit of good luck has been that my Roller Derby Girls have asked me if I want to be the sole birthday jewellery creator!  It basically means I hand over tattoo flash inspired name necklaces at  a heavily discounted rate but in exchange I get flyers in the programme, my logo on the website, space to sell my booty at games for free and a load of Roller Girls who will be wearing my stuff and telling their friends :)  It's a pretty sweet deal!  I get a lot of exposure through Roller Derby and have been approached by a shop who would be interested in selling the more steampunk and gothic stuff in their shop too.  Which means I really need to get the finger out now....

If only I could do this full time.  Somehow I think I'd still always be pushed for time ;)

So all in all I have high hopes and a positive outlook for this month.  Autumn and Christmas are highlights of my year and it takes a lot to bring me down at this time of year.  I'll keep ya'll posted on the progress :)
