About Me

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I'm a a flame haired vintage loving cat lady. I ride a motorbike and love Roller Derby. I like in a big house in the country and love summer parties in my garden :)

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Nautical but Nice...

A 'new' range of jewellery and accessories I am trying on for size.  I have always loved the relationship between the seaside and pin-up culture and hope to be able to flaunt more delicious designs in the weeks to come.  Think pirate treasures, old rusty anchors and ancient sea creatures fused together and placed on a lovely piece of jewellery that you can wear with anything at all!


Dee x



  1. this is gorgeous!! I have that octopus pendant and it's one of my fave (as you can see from my blog name, I'm a lil obsessed with octopuses ahahah)

  2. Octopus's (<---is that right?!) are amazing creatures aren't they?! They look cool too and the pendant gives me a great base to expand on. I really need to try and design my own one and then make a cast...I'm doing a jewellery course next year so hope I'll learn some neat stuff.

    Love your blog by the way! You're an extremely talanted artist :)

    Dee x
